Corbett + Stephanie
When I was editing these wedding photos, I was doing so with tears in my eyes. The McKinney’s wedding day was filled with love, tears, joy, and celebration. Their friends and family love these two with all of their hearts, and it was so evident that Stephanie and Corbett make lasting marks on people’s lives.
Not only do their friends and family love them, but these two have such a deep love for one another. They are high school sweethearts and have gone through so much together. I know that through the good times and bad, the McKinney’s will continue to grow in their love for one another and their love for the Lord.
In this blog, you will see a photo of Stephanie and Corbett in front of a beautiful rainbow in the sky. When I tell you God is SO good and perfect in His timing, I wholeheartedly mean it. This rainbow was so beautiful and meaningful because it holds such a significance for Corbett and his family. A few years ago, Corbett’s father passed away. The morning that he passed away, Corbett’s family walked out of the hospital and saw a beautiful orange sunrise and a bright double rainbow. Even though Corbett’s father could not attend his wedding, we know that the Lord sent that rainbow as a symbol to say that his father was still there with them. I know we don’t always understand why the Lord takes people out of our lives, but we do know that God is still sovereign and loves us, and that rainbow in the sky on this wedding day was the ultimate gift to the McKinney’s.
So many tears were had at this wedding, but God’s goodness and love was put on display in a whole new way at this wedding.